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God Save The Queen

God Save The Queen

One of my lasting memories of the Silver Jubilee, in 1977, was my Mum making a cake which turned out ‘orange, yellow and green’, instead of the desired ‘red, white and blue’ (blame the sponge). My other memory is seeing posters around the streets of Rotherham and Sheffield for ‘God Save The Queen’.

Being only 7 at the time, I ate the cake not bothered about the colouring but had no idea what the poster was all about. I just liked it.

I know all about the Sex Pistol now but only came to appreciate the genius of John(ny Rotten) Lydon a few years later whilst watching Juke Box Jury at Saturday team time as a 9 year old.

The show, hosted by Noel Edmunds, featured John Lydon alongside Elaine Paige, Alan Freeman and Joan Collins, reviewing new releases and judging them to be a ‘Hit’ or a ‘Miss’. The panellists discuss the merits of latter-day Showaddywaddy and Donna Summer whilst ABBA is played out of the back of a small van on a village green.

Lydon states that God Save The Queen, is not ‘anti the Queen’ it’s ‘anti the establishment’ and watching the dirge of tracks reviewed on that episode (none of which were ‘Hits”) you can see why bands like the Sex Pistols were needed (Lydon had just formed Public Image Limited).

I’m not anti-monarchy, but a little bit of anarchy is needed now and then to shake things up. I’ll be spending Jubilee Day with my Mum who’s 85 on Saturday. Then sleeping in my old bedroom, sneakily listening to the Sex Pistols.

Watch the full episode of Juke Box Jury here.

#godsavethequeen #musicreview #sexpistols #jubilee

Tagged: #music

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